Custom Search
Fungsi ini hampir sama dengan postingan sebelumnya, tetapi dalam versi bahasa Inggris dengan sedikit perubahan pada bagian codingnya.
Masuk ke mode editor, klick View -> Code, dan masukkan kode berikut ini :
Private Function SpellDigit(strNumeric As Integer)
Dim cRet As String
On Error GoTo Pesan
cRet = ""
Select Case strNumeric
Case 0: cRet = " zero"
Case 1: cRet = " one"
Case 2: cRet = " two"
Case 3: cRet = " three"
Case 4: cRet = " four"
Case 5: cRet = " five"
Case 6: cRet = " six"
Case 7: cRet = " seven"
Case 8: cRet = " eight"
Case 9: cRet = " nine"
Case 10: cRet = " ten"
Case 11: cRet = " eleven"
Case 12: cRet = " twelve"
Case 13: cRet = " thirteen"
Case 14: cRet = " fourteen"
Case 15: cRet = " fifteen"
Case 16: cRet = " sixteen"
Case 17: cRet = " seventeen"
Case 18: cRet = " eighteen"
Case 19: cRet = " ninetieen"
Case 20: cRet = " twenty"
Case 30: cRet = " thirty"
Case 40: cRet = " fourthy"
Case 50: cRet = " fifty"
Case 60: cRet = " sixty"
Case 70: cRet = " seventy"
Case 80: cRet = " eighty"
Case 90: cRet = " ninety"
Case 100: cRet = " one hundred"
Case 200: cRet = " two hundred"
Case 300: cRet = " three hundred"
Case 400: cRet = " four hundred"
Case 500: cRet = " five hundred"
Case 600: cRet = " six hundred"
Case 700: cRet = " seven hundred"
Case 800: cRet = " eight hundred"
Case 900: cRet = " nine hundred"
End Select
SpellDigit = cRet
Exit Function
SpellDigit = "(maksimal 9 digit)"
End Function
Private Function SpellUnit(strNumeric As Integer)
Dim cRet As String
Dim n100 As Integer
Dim n10 As Integer
Dim n1 As Integer
On Error GoTo Pesan
cRet = ""
n100 = Int(strNumeric / 100) * 100
n10 = Int((strNumeric - n100) / 10) * 10
n1 = (strNumeric - n100 - n10)
If n100 > 0 Then
cRet = SpellDigit(n100)
End If
If n10 > 0 Then
If n10 = 10 Then
cRet = cRet & SpellDigit(n10 + n1)
cRet = cRet & SpellDigit(n10)
End If
End If
If n1 > 0 And n10 <> 10 Then
cRet = cRet & SpellDigit(n1)
End If
SpellUnit = cRet
Exit Function
SpellUnit = "(maksimal 9 digit)"
End Function
Public Function TerbilangInggris(strNumeric As String) As String
Dim cRet As String
Dim n1000000 As Long
Dim n1000 As Long
Dim n1 As Integer
Dim n0 As Integer
On Error GoTo Pesan
Dim strValid As String, huruf As String * 1
Dim i As Integer
'Periksa setiap karakter masukan
strValid = "1234567890.,"
For i% = 1 To Len(strNumeric)
huruf = Chr(Asc(Mid(strNumeric, i%, 1)))
If InStr(strValid, huruf) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Harus karakter angka!", _
vbCritical, "Karakter Tidak Valid"
Exit Function
End If
Next i%
If strNumeric = "" Then Exit Function
If Len(Trim(strNumeric)) > 9 Then GoTo Pesan
cRet = ""
n1000000 = Int(strNumeric / 1000000) * 1000000
n1000 = Int((strNumeric - n1000000) / 1000) * 1000
n1 = Int(strNumeric - n1000000 - n1000)
n0 = (strNumeric - n1000000 - n1000 - n1) * 100
If n1000000 > 0 Then
cRet = SpellUnit(n1000000 / 1000000) & " million"
End If
If n1000 > 0 Then
cRet = cRet & SpellUnit(n1000 / 1000) & " thousand"
End If
If n1 > 0 Then
cRet = cRet & SpellUnit(n1)
End If
If n0 > 0 Then
cRet = cRet & " and cents" & SpellUnit(n0)
End If
TerbilangInggris = cRet & " only"
Exit Function
TerbilangInggris = "(maximum 9 digit)"
End Function
Private Sub Text1_Change()
Text2.Text = TerbilangInggris(Text1.Text)
End Sub
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